If pressing G once doesn't work for you, always quickly press G twice. Spy: Taunt: automatically un-disguises the Spy before performing a taunt.Aim the rocket launcher at the ground before clicking. Does not provide optimal jump, but is a reliable way to rocket jump. Soldier: Rocket Jump: a simple rocket jump script bound to MOUSE2 when toggled on (use R to toggle).You can also disable the PDAs doing so will shift the building bindings from 6-9 to 4-7. Engineer: Building Bindings: binds keys 6 through 9 to the Engineer's buildings, automatically destroying any existing buildings when pressed.Zooming: zooms in and out when pressing F.

Viewmodel Toggling: toggles display of the active weapon at the press of the Delete key.Suicide Explosion: makes you explode at the touch of a button."Pyro is Spy.") by pressing Shift + the class' number (1-9). Spy-Checking Lines: sends a team message notifying players about an exposed spy (e.g.Pyro Airblast Call: sends a team message asking for a Pyro to airblast you by pressing Backspace.Null-Cancelling Movement Script: a classic script which lets you immediately change direction.Netgraph: displays the netgraph on the score screen ( Tab key).Can also automatically play a song on class select. Music Player: cycles through Team Fortress 2's music files when pressing the key.Loadout Switch: binds 4 Shift key combinations to each loadout.Auto Crouch-Jump: automatically makes you crouch-jump when playing the spacebar.Debug Output: prints debug messages to the screen using captions (such as current spy disguise and so on).

If you would like to see more features implemented send me a message and I'll do my best, if I find it interesting: Most features are usable by all classes, but a few are class-specific. Note: this collection makes no use of wait commands, ensuring maximum compatibility on all servers. GAMEBANANA Link: TF2 Scripts - Script Collection A collection of scripts I have found to be useful for playing Team Fortress 2.